This post is part of a series. Here’s the introduction and overview.

Final image

Sketchnote: Data Flow for the Hadoop Ecosystem


First impression:

This looks a lot cleaner, more spacious than the previous one

Actually, on second thought, maybe the design is a bit too sparse… But really, compared to the baseline image, if this is the level of sketchnoting I can produce on a regular basis, I’m happy.


The post-processing steps are 100% the same as the last few images. For the sake of completeness these were:

  • Straighten & Crop the scanned image;
  • Apply an Unsharpen Mask;
  • Apply a Threshold;
  • Clean up the resulting image;
  • Apply a small Gaussian Blur;
  • Add grey & colour accents.

I’ve been thinking of creating a Python-fu plug-in for GIMP, but the benefits do not outweigh the costs. These steps (except for the last one) can be performed and tweaked in a matter of minutes.

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